Harvington, and Local Villages

Church Lench Village Hall
On 7 April 1933, a plot of land was conveyed to the community of Church Lench by Archibald Powell of Church Farm for the sum of £5. The community was defined as the Parish of Church Lench and its immediate vicinity and was represented by a group of some fourteen residents who agreed to act as a Council of Management. The use of the land and its subsequent development was for physical and mental recreation, and for social and moral and intellectual development for the benefit of the community.
The first Village Hall built on the land stood until 2006 when it was knocked down and building commenced on the new building we have now. Today the hall is used for social and recreational purposes, together with meetings of committees and use as a voting station for local and national elections.
Our users include several weekly exercise classes, Lenches Pre-School, South Lenches Parish Council, Lenches Tennis Club, All Saints Parish Church, and the Greater Lenches Amateur Dramatic Society (GLADS). It is available to hire by both regular users and for those wishing to host one-off events.

The Management Committee
Church Lench Village Hall is run by a voluntary management committee comprising members of the community who are responsible for the maintenance, improvement and hiring of the hall.
Celia Hall – Chairperson
Mike Rixon – Treasurer
Lisa Seabourne – Secretary
Beverley Gillis - Bookings Secretary
Anne Cain
Gill Fraser
Bev Gillis
Ann Hughes
Paula Lloyd
Carol Jones
Julie Rixon
Nikki Tonner
Carol Yates

Church Lench Village Hall 100 Club
We run a 100 club which anyone is welcome to join. The annual fee is £12, which goes towards the running costs of the hall. Four times per year, at functions arranged and organised by the Village Hall Committee, a draw takes place. First price is £25, the second prize is £10, and the third prize is £5. You do not have to be present at the function to win. Should you wish to join, please get in touch with any member of the Village Hall Committee by sending an email to clvillagehallbookings@gmail.com