Harvington, and Local Villages

Arch Benefice Churches
There are four Church of England country churches outside Evesham, Worcestershire, in the villages of Abbots Morton, Rous Lench, Church Lench and Harvington. They are known as the ARCH Benefice as it is simpler and friendlier. Visit ARCH Benefice website
The benefice was formed in 2001, with the Revd Richard Thorniley being appointed as the first incumbent and Rector of each of the parishes. Today he is assisted by the Revd Fran Battin and the Revd Steve Jordan, with able support from the members of the parishes.
The parish churches within the benefice are: St Peter's, Abbots Morton; St Peter's Rous Lench; All Saints', Church Lench and St James the Great, Harvington.

What's On - For further Information contact us via telephone or fill out the contact form on our website.
Weekly Services
The churches in the ARCH Benefice hold a wide variety of Sunday services, ranging from traditional early-morning said Book of Common Prayer (BCP) communion through mid-morning Common Worship Communion Services (some with sung responses) to Celtic-style morning and evening worship inspired by the worship celebrated at Iona Abbey.
CAMEO: a grand-sounding name for a simple idea. CAMEO stands for Come And Meet Each Other and is a group that meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, usually at 3.00 pm in Harvington Church, to enjoy tea or coffee, homemade cake and good company. A donation of £1 is invited, which is saved towards a Christmas lunch we have at a local pub or hotel in December.
The Bible Discussion Group
The Bible Discussion Group has been meeting for more than ten years, with a varying membership, and offers a friendly welcome to anyone wishing to join us for our (very!) informal sessions. We have considered many different aspects of the Bible but always tried to make our studies relevant to today's life.
BeST Group (Bereavement Support)
BeST is a bereavement support group that meets monthly to provide a platform to share our journeys through loss. There is the security of knowing that all those you are meeting are people who have suffered a loss.
Home Groups
We have groups meeting fortnightly to share and discuss the scriptures. They provide a rich resource that enables us to see how God is or may be, moving in our lives.
Prayer Group
The Prayer Group meets fortnightly at The Rectory in Harvington between 9-10am on Saturday mornings. The group begins with a short Celtic worship service, followed by a time of informal prayer that concentrates on the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of our community and the wider world.